Week 1

Proverbs 3:5
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.

Read Matthew 2: 13-23
When the angel told Joseph to get up and leave, Joseph had a choice. He could respond with obedience and trust, or he could ignore what the angel told him to do. It was through Joseph’s obedience God was introducing his rescue plan to the world. 

The Holy Spirit doesn’t always prompt us to do things that make sense to us. But the things He asks us to do are always beneficial. Whether it’s for our protection, for our growth, or for someone else’s benefit, God will never ask us to do anything that He is not willing to turn for good. 


Writing down (journaling) your responses and prayers can help you look back on God’s faithfulness. 
This week, find yourself a journal and begin to write down what God is doing in your life by using the following questions as a guide. 
  • What are you praying about? 
  • What is God putting on your heart to take action on? 
  • How have you been actively obedient?
As you begin to discover answers or see results, write it in your journal. This will help build your faith on the faithfulness and goodness of God. 

Week 2

Matthew 3:8
“Prove by the way you live that you have repented of your sins and turned to God.” 
Read Matthew 3: 1-12
Our testimonies are the best way to help others see the grace of God. God will certainly act on His own when He knows the heart is ready, but we help prepare those hearts by planting seeds. John the Baptist’s message was “repent of your sins for the Kingdom of heaven is near”. But repentance isn’t just about saying we are sorry or asking for forgiveness. Repentance involves change and change produces fruit. And where there is fruit, there are testimonies. The love and grace of God are at work in the world through our testimonies and our obedience in sharing them.


Reflect and Respond

  • What outward signs of inward change do people see in you?
  • Ask God to help you identify where repentance is necessary in your life and commit that change to Him?
  • Pray for opportunity and courage to tell your story to help prepare the way for the Lord to work in others.

Week 3

I Corinthians 10:13
No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will always provide a way out so that you can endure it

Read Matthew 3: 13 – 4: 11
Temptation will always be a part of our walk with Jesus, especially when we are moving in a direction that pleases him. Unlike Jesus though, we are vulnerable to giving in to our temptations. But He will always give us a way to stand strong when we are rooted in His Word and understand how to use it for our good.


Reflect and Respond

  • Take some time to reflect on what your greatest temptations are? Some examples might be physical needs or desires, possessions and power, or pride.
  • Use a concordance or find reliable commentary that point you to Scripture about that temptation and ask God to begin preparing you to recognize it so that you are ready to work through it when it happens.
  • Thank God for His grace, His mercy, and His Truth that not only forgives when we do mess up, but also strengthens us to do better next time.

Week 4