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TITUS 1:1-4

Titus offers profound insights into understanding our calling and purpose in life. As we explore Paul's introduction and his relationship with Titus, we are invited to reflect on our own sense of calling and how it can be made practical in our daily lives.

Are We All Called by God?

Paul's letter to Titus begins with a strong sense of identity and purpose. Paul identifies himself as a servant of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ, emphasizing his accountability to God and his role in furthering the faith of God's elect. This raises an important question for us: Are we all called by God? Does God have a plan for each of us?

Making Our Sense of Calling Practical

Paul's introduction to Titus highlights the importance of making our sense of calling practical. He encourages us to understand why we are here on this earth, why we are at this point in our lives, and the purpose behind our relationships and roles. By doing so, we can live with intentionality and fulfill our God-given purpose.

Components of Paul's Calling

Paul's sense of calling is multifaceted. He sees himself as a servant of God, accountable to Him, and as an apostle with a specific role to preach the gospel. His ministry is not just about imparting knowledge but about producing godliness and transforming lives. This practical aspect of his calling is something we can all relate to, even if our roles and experiences differ from Paul's.

Relating to Titus

While Paul's calling may seem extraordinary, Titus offers a more relatable example. Titus was an ordinary person with a job and responsibilities, yet he structured his life to fulfill a mission. His relationship with Paul and his commitment to the cause of Jesus shaped his sense of calling. This reminds us that our calling may not always be grand or visionary, but it can still be significant and impactful.

Understanding Our Roles and Responsibilities

Our sense of calling is shaped by our roles and responsibilities. Whether we are students, workers, parents, or friends, our roles define how we use our time and gifts. By understanding our roles in light of our accountability to God, we can live with purpose and intentionality.

Living in Light of God's Big Story

Paul's letter to Titus reminds us that our lives are part of God's big story. We are called to see our ordinary lives in the context of God's grand narrative. This means thinking about how our daily actions and decisions align with God's purposes and contribute to His kingdom.

Life Application

Living with Intentionality

This week, let's challenge ourselves to live with intentionality. Reflect on your roles and responsibilities and consider how they align with your sense of calling. Are you living in a way that honors God and fulfills His purposes for you?

Questions for Reflection
  1. What roles and responsibilities define your life right now?
  2. How can you make your sense of calling practical in your daily life?
  3. Are there areas where you need to be more intentional about living out your faith?
  4. How does your relationship with Jesus shape your sense of purpose and calling?
A Practical Challenge

Take some time this week to think about your calling. Write down your roles and responsibilities and reflect on how you can live them out with intentionality. Consider setting specific goals or making changes to align your daily actions with your sense of calling.


Paul's letter to Titus offers valuable insights into understanding our calling and living with purpose. By reflecting on our roles, responsibilities, and relationship with Jesus, we can make our sense of calling practical and impactful. Let's embrace this challenge and live with intentionality, fulfilling God's purposes for our lives.