Jesus demonstrated a special heart for children and provided clear guidance on how we should welcome and disciple them. Looking at Mark 10:13-16, we can learn important principles about integrating children into the church family.
When people brought children to Jesus, the disciples rebuked them. But Jesus became indignant and said "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." This reveals Jesus' eagerness to connect with and disciple children.
Show children they matter - Jesus was accessible, warm and welcoming to children. He gave them his full attention rather than dismissing or ignoring them.
Value childlike attitudes - Jesus highlighted that the kingdom belongs to those who receive it like children - with openness, trust and dependence rather than self-sufficiency.
Go above expectations - Jesus did more than just tolerate the children. He took them in his arms, blessed them, and spoke positively over their futures.
The responsibility for discipling children extends beyond just parents and children's ministry workers. The entire church family should:
The impact of investing in children's spiritual development before age 14 is significant. While we celebrate adults coming to faith, we must not miss opportunities to share Jesus' love with young people in our midst.